SUN | 12-10pm
FRI-SAT | 12PM-12Am

Date: Thursday, Sept. 21st
Time: 6-8pm (you can arrive any time between this time frame depending on how long you want to participate)
Keeping with tradition, this event will utilize a waitstaff, or as they’re referred to in the Brauhauses of Cologne, “Köbes.”
You never order a thing; it simply comes to you.
Here’s how it works:
1. You will swap your credit card for a coaster upon arrival. Then Low Tide staff will come by with kranz of Sweet Caroline Kölsch served in the traditional tall cylindrical 0.2-liter glass called a “stange” (yes you get to keep the glass once you’ve had your fill).
2. As soon as your glass is empty it will be swapped with a full one. For each beer you receive, a notch goes on your coaster. Repeat as desired.
3. When you are finished simply place your coaster on top of your glass. The notches are added up, and you will be presented with your tab for beer.
Tickets are required to secure your spot and include a custom stange glass which you take with you plus your first Kölsch fill. Additional fills $3.
Limited Availability. No refunds. Rain or Shine. Questions email allison@lowtidebrewing.com
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